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SheJumps + Racysuits

Posted by Marina Barnes on
SheJumps + Racysuits

Racysuits is over the moon excited to become a supporting partner to the SheJumps organization. Not only is their mascot the Girafficorn - half giraffe, half unicorn, all magic - but their mission and growing community is dedicated to increasing the participation of women & girls in outdoor activities!

20% profit from our Ski Team USA Racysuit sales will be donated to the SheJumps mission. It’s only fitting that our Stars & Stripes print represent a USA nonprofit, but the cherry on top is their amazing goal to be the leading resource of free and low-cost outdoor education for women and girls in the United States.

SheJumps recently celebrated the 6th Annual International Women’s Snow Day on January 12th. Contributing to the magic of this event are 15 female Regional Leaders who create SheJumps communities nationwide. This year the leaders hit the slopes in Racysuits and the result was pure magic. Check out #iwsd on instagram to see the events of the day!

It’s a true honor to join the SheJumps community and be able to contribute to their mission to ensure opportunities for females of all stripes to get into the outdoors and become a part of a bigger adventure community!

SheJumps: “We welcome all women and girls (transgender and cisgender) as well as non-binary people who identify with the women’s community.”

Be sure to follow @shejumps this season!

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